UKZN SLR Partners with South African Law Essay Competition
The UKZN SLR has partnered with the Law Reform Essay Competition, which offers cash prizes. The competition is open to all LLB and LLM Students.
The South African Law Reform Commission, in partnership with Juta, invites law faculties and students to participate in the Ismail Mahomed Law Reform Essay Competition.
The Competition, which has run since 1993, is named in honour of the late Chief Justice and former Chairperson of the South African Law Reform Commission. The Competition encourages critical legal writing by students while generating ideas for law reform. Prizes valued at over R70 000 will be awarded to the winning essays and the supervising lecturers.
The winners and supervising lecturers, as well as runners-up, will be hosted at a function sponsored by the South African LawReform Commission.
Who can enter?
All LLB and LLM students currently registered at any South African University.
The individual winners and runners-up in the LLB and LLM categories stand to win:
A voucher to the value of R20,000
A one-year subscription to Juta’s South African Law Reports 1947-date on CD-ROM
Runners-up - LLB & LLB Categories:
A voucher to the value of R10,000 each
A one-year subscription to Juta’s Statutes and Regulations of South Africa on CD-ROM
The winners' supervisors and the law faculties to which they belong will each receive a book voucher valued at R2 500.
There are special incentives for the lecturer & law faculty submitting the most student entries.
Why should you enter?
Change the world one word at a time.
Join the dialogue on the link between law reform, human rights and the rule of law.
Get involved in the law reform process and join the cadre of law reformers.
How to enter:
Students can submit their articles to the UKZN Student Law Review, or to the Law Reform Commission directly.
Closing date: 30th September 2014
For more information, click here.